Monday, October 12, 2009

Motorcycles and Mugs

Be on the lookout for new motorcycle related pottery in my etsy shop .
Threads and Treads, Grind Your Gears, and Rock Your Sprocket mugs are all made with vintage Harley Davidson parts from the 30s and 40s.

Hillclimber Beer Steins are made with silkscreens I created from vintage Harley printing blocks.

License Plate Beer Steins made from vintage plates dated 1952, 1948, and 1944. The three digit motorcycle license plates are especially rare.
A big thank you to Buzz Kanter for including my work in this months issue of American Iron Magazine!!!

Vegas October 2009

I had an awesome time with my little sis. And brought home some cherished Vegas memories...
Ah yes, it is good to be back home from the city that never sleeps. I had some of the best sleep I've had in awhile last night, no weird dreams.

I have been busy in the studio since returning home and eager to see some results. I always seem to work best on rainy days, I think it should rain all week. Maybe I will do a dance.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Angela's Frog

I was so happy to have completed this project. The whole vessel was coil built, bisque fired, glazed in cone 6 glazes, and fired to cone 6.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Big Day in the Studio

Tomorrow I will be catching up on several different projects. I need to make a screen from an image I created with a vintage Harley printing block, acrylic paint, and the computer. I'm really excited about the new possibilities screen printing photos on clay will open up for me. I'm also in the process of using under glazes in union with cone 6 glazes and getting some really bright colors and high contrast pieces.